Background: The origins of the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science were in 1953 and the Jubilee Medal was created in 2003 to celebrate those 50 years of leadership in primary industry science. The first recipient of the Jubilee Medal in 2003 was Professor Tom Walker. Since 2003 the Jubilee Medal has been presented to NZIAHS members to recognise their outstanding contribution to primary industry science.

Purpose: The Jubilee Medal is the premier award of the NZIAHS. It is awarded to a member to recognise an outstanding contribution to primary resource science.  This contribution can be made through various ways – research, education, technology transfer and communication.  The recipient will be known as a leader in their area of scientific research, education, technology transfer, and the promotion of agriculture and horticulture. This is a life time achievement award.

Value: Jubilee medal

Eligibility: NZIAHS Full members.

Procedure: All nominations must be made on the NZIAHS nomination form. Nominations must be accompanied by supporting material that provides evidence of the service provided by the member to both the Institute and agricultural and horticultural science.

Selection: Nominations are first reviewed by the NZIAHS Awards Committee and then further reviewed by NZIAHS Council.


2023 Dr Stuart Tustin
2022 Prof Keith Cameron
2017 Prof Richard Falloon
2015 Lester Fletcher
2012 Dr John Palmer
2011 Dr Michael Dunbier
2010 Dr Ross Ferguson
2007 Dr Stephen Goldson
2006 Dr Ian Warrington
2003 Prof Tom Walker