Climate Change Commission delivers final advice to Government

The Climate Change Commission has delivered its advice on how New Zealand can reach its climate target to Minister of Climate Change James Shaw.

The Commission will publish the advice on its website next Wednesday (9 June) once it has been tabled in Parliament.

The Commission can’t comment, provide copies or release the advice until then.

Commission Chair Dr Rod Carr says the Commission has met its obligations under the Climate Change Response Act in delivering the advice.

“We are even more convinced there are achievable, affordable and acceptable ways to meet our emissions targets and now is the time for accelerating action.

“It is now up to the Government to consider our advice. Then set its emissions budgets and the first emissions reduction plan Aotearoa will use to achieve them.”

The Commission will progressively publish all supporting information, including public submissions and the source code for their models, over June and July.

Dr Carr says the feedback from the public during the Commission’s consultation period fed into the Commission’s evidence-base and helped test and shape the final advice.

“We have really valued the engagement of so many New Zealanders during consultation. Our final advice has been updated to reflect new evidence we have received, and our judgments influenced by what we heard.”

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Timeline from 31 May:

Monday 31 May: final advice delivered to Government, as set out in the Climate Response Act 2002.

Wednesday 9 June: the Minister of Climate Change will table the advice in the House of Representatives, as set out in the Act.

Once the advice is tabled: the Commission will publish the advice on its website along with some supporting information. Further information including submissions and the source code for its models will be progressively published throughout June and July.

31 December 2021: the Government must have set the first three emissions budgets out to 2035 and released its first emissions reduction plan. If it chooses not to accept the Commission’s advice, it must publish an alternative plan for addressing climate change in Aotearoa and reaching its targets.

From 2022: the Commission will begin monitoring how the Government’s emissions reduction plan is implemented, including how well Aotearoa is tracking to meet the 2050 net zero target.

Source:  Climate Change Commission

Author: Bob Edlin

Editor of AgScience Magazine and Editor of the AgScience Blog